Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Style: Fast Food
My Rating: 4/5 stars


Likes: Well established atmosphere of being around since 1953, Cute water bottles that say “God DipDogs?”

Dislikes: It’s definitely not healthy, no special dip for onion rings

For years, my husband has said that when we go to his parents’ house, he is going to take me to The Dip Dog. One time we went, and it was closed because it was the 4th of July. Another time we tried to go and it was closed for renovations.

Then, we gave up for a while. 

This year, I played it smart. I told my husband to call and see if they would be open. Since he talks about The DipDog frequently, I really wanted to experience this part of the younger years I was absent for. 

On this trip his parents’ house, I also brought my grandmother, Gigi. Gigi loves and adventure, so we piled into the car and drove half an hour to The DipDog, which happens to be just off of interstate I-81. 

I thought it was going to be a little roadside stand, and I was wrong. Instead, it is a small complex with a huge parking lot, a building where food is ordered, a building that is a gift shop, and a building that has tables where the greasy food can be enjoyed and consumed.

It also had a really cool retro sign that stood in front, saying that the DipDog was established in 1953. Johnny, my husband’s dad, then told me a story about how he used to bring his dates to eat here. Johnny is now in his 60’s and has been married for over forty years. Clearly, the DipDog is a local, deep routed tradition.

A DipDog is a local, very pink hotdog that is battered in a thin batter and is deep fried. It is similar to a corn dog, but the batter is not as thick. Then, they slather them in yellow mustard and pile them into a pyramid within a classic paper carton. We also ordered onion rings that were piled into a brown paper bag. Clearly, it is super low key. 

But it was one of the tastiest deep fried concoctions I have ever eaten and it made for some great memories with my grandma and my husband's family. 

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